Tuesday, May 12, 2009

15 Assorted questions on Muscular System.

It is a well noted trend that a lot of questions appearing for competitive medical exams are heavily drawn from very old NCERT textbooks as well as out-of-syllabus. This series of questions are prepared keeping in mind the extra portions and one-words that frequently come up for the A.I.P.M.T. Mains and for A.I.I.M.S. Examinations. I hope this helps you to get some additional useful information.

One Word Type Questions:

1.study of structuring, components and functioning of muscular tissues?
A.Myology/ sarcology

2.How many muscles are present in the human body?

3.Which is the Boxer's muscle?
A.Serratus interior.

4.Which is the Largest muscle?
A.Gluteus maximus

5.Which is the Strongest muscle?
A.Massetor of jaws.

6.Which is the Longest muscle?
A.Sartorius or Quadriceps femoris (Tailor's Muscle)

7.Which is the Area between two Z-lines?

8.What is Hensen's line?
A. M-line

9.Who proposed the Sliding filament theory?
A. A.F.Huxley and H.E. Huxley

10.During muscle contraction which band remains unchanged?
A. A-band

11.Which muscles do you find more in sprinter's legs?
A. White muscle tissue.

12.Which muscles perform slow yet steady work and doesn't get fatigued easily.
A. Red Muscle Tissue

13.Calcified fibres which hold periosteal bone lamellae?
A. Sharpey's fibres.

14.The passage of lactic acid from muscle to liver takes place in which cycle?
A. Cori's cycle.

15.Stiffening after the death of an individual is known as?
A.Rigor mortis.

All these questions could be found in indiastudychannel- I have posted this in that website too. If you want more practice questions, Use the following links:

I hope this was very helpful


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