Thursday, May 14, 2009

17 Assorted questions on Protista.

It is a well noted trend that a lot of questions appearing for competitive medical exams are heavily imbibed from very old NCERT textbooks as well as out-of-syllabus. This series of questions are prepared keeping in mind the extra portions and one-words that frequently come up for the A.I.P.M.T. Prelims, Kerala P.M.T., J.I.P.M.E.R. and also for the A.I.I.M.S. Examinations. I hope this helps you to get some additional useful information.

Self evaluation M.C.Q. Examination:
One question carries 4 marks if correct. If wrong the examinee is awarded -1 marks. There will be no marks for unattempted questions.

Maximum Marks:68
Pass Marks :34
Total time :17 minutes

1. Protista is the connecting link between which groups?
a. Monera and Fungi
b. Monera and Animals
c. Monera and plants
d. Monera and virus

Ans: b

2. Which group is known as 'Jewels of Plant Kingdom'?
a. Chrysophytes
b. Fungi
c. Protists
d. Euglenoids

Ans: a

3. Which group has got lipids capable of storing light?
a. Protists
b. Sporozoans
c. Euglenoids
d. Diatoms

Ans: d

4. Which among the following indicates pertroleum presence?
a. dinoflagellates
b. Chrysophytes
c. Slime moulds
d. Protozoans

Ans: b

5. 'Whorling whips' are the nickname of which group?
a. Euglenoids
b. diatoms
c. Red algae
d. dinoflagellates

Ans: d

6. Which is the only colourless animal-parasite among dinoflagellates?
a. Notiluca
b. Ceraium
c. Gonyaulux
d. Blastodium

Ans: d

7. Which is known as 'Fire algae' due to the phosphoresence activity?
a. Notiluca
b. Gonyaulux
c. Plasmodium
d. Blastodium

Ans: a

8. The only dinoflagellate which shows sexual reproduction?
a. Notiluca
b. Nematodium
c. Ceratium
d. Blastodium

Ans: c

9. Pellicle is present in _______ andis made of ________.
a. Diatoms, sugars
b. Diatoms, proteins
c. Euglenoids, sugars
d. Euglenoids, proteins

Ans: c

10. The red pigment that represents the eyespot in Euglenoids is made of________
a. Astaxanthin
b. Protoxanthin
c. Xanthophyll
d. Chorophyll

Ans: a

11. Euglna stores carbohydrates in the form of______________?
a. Amylopectin
b. Paramylum bodies
c. Paramylon
d. both (b) and (c)


12. 'Palmella stage' is present in which of the following?
a. Algae
b. Euglena
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

Ans: c

13. Which group is known as the 'consumer-decomposer' protists?
a. Slime moulds
b. Euglenoids
c. Amoeboids
d. Sporozoans

Ans: a

14. The plasmodium of a slime mould secretes_______
a. lime
b. tanin
c. resin
d. silica

Ans: a

15. Macrocyst formation represents:
a. Asexual reproduction
b. Sexual reproduction
c. Vegetative reproduction
d. None of the above

Ans: b

16. Acellular Slime moulds mulitply by a method known as_______:
a. Plasmotomy
b. Binary fission
c. Spore formation
d. Non of the above

Ans: a

17. Cellular Slime moulds reproduce by________.
a. Plasmotomy
b. Binary fission
c. Spore formation
d. Non of the above

Ans: b


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