Saturday, May 16, 2009

GK for AIIMS- 2

This is my second release notes regarding the preparations you should undertake in order to clear the A.I.I.M.S.
Here I am featuring some questions regarding Scientists. Many of these were asked in the previous years papers.

Guttenberg invented the art of printing. The modern printing press was invented by Caxton.

Laws of electrical resistance was discovered by G.S. Ohm.

The microphone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell (1876).

Thomas Alva Edison is known as the wizard of Menlo Park. He is credited with greatest number of inventions.

Nuclear model of the atom was discovered by Rutherford.

Miner's safely lamp was invented by Sir Humphry Davy. He also discovered laughing gas (nitrogens oxide).

John Logie Baird of Scotland invented television in 1926.

Sir Issac Pitman of Britian invented shorthand in 1837.

Samuel Colt of USA invented revolver in 1835.

E.G. Otis of USA invented lift in 1852.

The Swedish Scientist and the founder of Nobel Prize Alfred Nobel invented dynamite gunpowder 1867.

Henri Becquerel discovered radio-activity.

Albert Einstein discovered law of photo electric effect and general theory of relativity.

Law of falling bodies was discovered by Galileo.

Dennis Papin invented pressure cooker in 1675.

James Harrison, in 1851, invented refrigerator.

A.L. Breguet of France invented watch in 1791.

E. Torricelli invented barometer.

Italian scientist C.A. Volta invented electric battery.

Wireless wave invented by G. Marconi (Italy) in 1895.

Robert H. Goddard (USA) invented Liquid Fuel Rocket in 1926.

American scientists John Bardeen, W. Brattain and W. Shockley invented transistor in 1948.

Electric washing machine was invented by an American company named Hurley Machine Company.

Inelastic scattering of light by molecules was discovered by C.V. Raman. It is known as Raman Effect. He won Nobel prize in 1930 for this discovery.

Meghnad Saha (India) developed a consistent theory of spectral sequence of the stars from the point of view of atomic theory. He became the member of Parliament in 1951.

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam is known as Missile Man of India.

E.C.G. Sudarshan invented the theory of tachyons.

The nuclear fission was discovered theory of tachyons.

The nuclear fission was discovered by Otto Hahn.

The fourth dimension in physics was introduced by Albert Einstein.

Edward Teller first developed the idea of hydrogen bomb.


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