Friday, May 15, 2009

G.K for AIIMS: 1

This is a general knowledge pack specially prepared for competitive exams like A.I.I.M.S. In this I have given some basic GK regarding the Physics section. I am writing more.

A.I.I.M.S. has 20 GK questions out of which 10 are from Science. And out of this most are from Physics section.


Echo is due to the reflection or reverberation of sound. For the production of echo there should be a minimum distance of 9 meters between us and the reflecting surface.

Bats can fly in the dark because they can generate ultrasonic sound and if there is any hindrance in their way the sound waves get reflected and they can change their direction. They use this method to catch insects also.

Since sound waves need a medium to travel they cannot be transmitted through vacuum

The audible frequency of human ear is between 20 and 20, 000 Hz.

A speed greater than the speed of sound is referred to as supersonic. Velocity of sound in the air is 330m/s. The velocity of sound increases when the density of the medium through which it passes increases.

Sound consists of waves of alternate compression and rarefaction that transmit kinetic energy through a medium.

The two other units used for measuring temperature are degree Celsius and Fahrenheit.

The SI unit of weight is newtons (N). Force is also measured in newtons.

The SI unit of energy and work is joule (J).

The SI unit of power is watt (W).

The SI unit of frequency is hertz (Hz).

The SI unit of loudness (sound) is decibel (db).

Calorie is a unit of heat.

The SI unit of electric charge is coulomb.

The SI unit of electric resistance is ohm (O).

The SI unit of potential difference (voltage) is volt (V).

Light year is a unit of distance used in astronomy. It is the distance light travels in one year at the speed of 3,00,000 km/s.

Astronomical unit is another unit of distance in space. It is the mean distance between earth and sun. One light year contains nearly 63282 astronomical units.

Par sec (Parallactic second) is yet another unit of distance in space. One par sec is equal to 3.08×1016m.

I have prepared this with utmost care. I don't think there are any errors in this. Hope this helps you. Best of Luck!


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