20 Assorted questions on Biomolecules: Lipids.
It is a well noted trend that a lot of questions appearing for competitive medical exams are heavily drawn from very old NCERT textbooks as well as out-of-syllabus. This series of questions are prepared keeping in mind the extra portions and one-words that frequently come up for the A.I.P.M.T. Mains and for A.I.I.M.S. Examinations. I hope this helps you to get some additional useful information.
One Word Type Questions:
1.Who coined the term 'lipids'?
2.Name the lipids which have a terminal -COOH group?
A.Fatty Acid.
3.How much cell content is shared by the lipids?
4.Name the simplest fatty acid?
A.Acetic acid
5.Expand M.U.F.A.?
A.Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acid.
*It is a fatty acid which has only one double bond.
6.Give examples of M.U.F.A.?
A. Oleic Acid and Palmitic acid
7.Expand P.U.F.A.?
A.Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acid.
*It has more than one double bonds present in it.
8.Give Examples for P.U.F.A.?
A.Linolenic acid(2 double bonds), Linoeic acid(3 Double bonds) and Arachidonic acid(4 double bonds.)
*Don't confuse between Linolenic and Linoleic acids.
9.Which is the maximum number of double bonds present in essential fatty acids?
A.Four.(In arachidonic acid; it is an essential fatty acid)
10.Which acids act as a precursor for prostaglandeins?
A.Essential fatty acids, usually Arachidonic acid.
11.Give examples for pure fat?
A. Tripalmitin and Tristearin
12.Give an example for mixed fat?
A. Palmito-oleio-stearin.
*It is composed of Palmitic, Stearic and Oleic acids.
13.Which is the richest source of P.U.F.A.?
A.Vegetable oils
14.Which vegetble oil has the least content of fatty acid?
A.Coconut oil.
15.Which wax is present in the human blood?
A.Cholesterol palmitate.
16.What is the other name for Lanolin?
A.Wool fat.
17.Which fatty acid derivative is found in brain?
*Acts as an insulation for the nerves.
18.Lipids constructed from five carbon compound isoprene is called-----?
19.Name three sterols?
A.Cholesterol, Ergosterol, Diosgenin.
*Cholesterol is the most important animal sterol and is prepared by the body itself.
*Ergosterol acts as the precursor of Vitamin-D, mainly found in yeast.
*Diosgenin is obtained from yam plant(Dioscorea) used in preparing anti-fertility drugs.
20.What is the precursor of Cholesterol?
A. Actyl Co-A or acetate.(2 carbon compound)
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