1. Protista is the connecting link between which groups?
a. Monera and Fungi
b. Monera and Animals
c. Monera and plants
d. Monera and virus
Ans: b
2. Which group is known as 'Jewels of Plant Kingdom'?
a. Chrysophytes
b. Fungi
c. Protists
d. Euglenoids
Ans: a
3. Which group has got lipids capable of storing light?
a. Protists
b. Sporozoans
c. Euglenoids
d. Diatoms
Ans: d
4. Which among the following indicates pertroleum presence?
a. dinoflagellates
b. Chrysophytes
c. Slime moulds
d. Protozoans
Ans: b
5. the protein covering in virus is known as?
a. capsomere
b. capsid
c. peplomere
d. peplid
Ans: b
6. Which of the folowing has double stranded DNA?
a. Adenovorus
b. Cauliflower M.V.
c. Simian virus
d. all the above
Ans: d
7. Φx174 has which type of genetic material?
a. ss-RNA
b. ss-DNA
c. ds-RNA
d. ds-DNA
Ans: b
8. Which among the following is the character of retrovirus?
a. positively stranded ds-DNA
b. positively stranded ss-RNA
c. negatively stranded ds-DNA
d. negatively stranded ss-DNA
Ans: b
9. Which among the following has a helical symmetry?
a. Turnip Mosaic Virus
b. Potato Mosaic Virus
c. Tobacco Mosaic virus
d. Bacteriophage
10. The red pigment that represents the eyespot in Euglenoids is made of________
a. Astaxanthin
b. Protoxanthin
c. Xanthophyll
d. Chorophyll
Ans: a
11. Euglna stores carbohydrates in the form of______________?
a. Amylopectin
b. Paramylum bodies
c. Paramylon
d. both (b) and (c)
12. 'Palmella stage' is present in which of the following?
a. Algae
b. Euglena
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
Ans: c
13. Which group is known as the 'consumer-decomposer' protists?
a. Slime moulds
b. Euglenoids
c. Amoeboids
d. Sporozoans
Ans: a
14. The plasmodium of a slime mould secretes_______
a. lime
b. tanin
c. resin
d. silica
Ans: a
15. Macrocyst formation represents:
a. Asexual reproduction
b. Sexual reproduction
c. Vegetative reproduction
d. None of the above
Ans: b
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